Pictures and updates on the life of Adam and Parker. Adam was born 7-29-07 and Parker was born 7-9-09.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Beach Trip
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Thanks for holding me while I nap
Thanks for helping Mom & Dad get rest
Thanks for watching foot ball with me (Go Gamecocks!)
Thanks for all the diaper changes
Thanks for all the bottles and the burps
Thanks for being there for my family, you help so much
And thanks for loving me like only a Grandma can.
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Labor Day weekend marked Adam's first big outings. He enjoyed his travels and did well. He is still only sleeping 2-3 hrs at a time, but that should change in the next few weeks (we hope). He has grown out of his first outfits and is movin' on to bigger and better onzies/dudds. He likes riding in the car, as long as he gets to pic the music, which of course is always gansta rap. We are looking forward to the fall weather so we can start taking him on walks.
Here is a video from the Sunday outing.