Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Beach Trip

Adam spent a week in Kiawah with his mom, dad and Grace the dog. Weather was good and he had a great time on the beach and walking the trails in his pimpin' stroller. He is looking forward to Thanksgiving and the upcoming holidays.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Adam is attending 'school' two days a week now, notice the snazzy duds. He has a lot of fun painting, playing with his classmates and hangin' with the teachers.

Sunday, September 30, 2007


Thanks for holding me while I nap

Thanks for helping Mom & Dad get rest

Thanks for watching foot ball with me (Go Gamecocks!)

Thanks for all the diaper changes

Thanks for all the bottles and the burps

Thanks for being there for my family, you help so much

And thanks for loving me like only a Grandma can.


Adam did his first sort of long car ride to visit G-mom and G-dad at Lake Toxaway. He had a great time visiting and enjoying the great weather. His ride home was not his favorite thing to do at the time. We had to make a pit stop so he could take a break and have a mid-afternoon snack.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Labor Day weekend marked Adam's first big outings. He enjoyed his travels and did well. He is still only sleeping 2-3 hrs at a time, but that should change in the next few weeks (we hope). He has grown out of his first outfits and is movin' on to bigger and better onzies/dudds. He likes riding in the car, as long as he gets to pic the music, which of course is always gansta rap. We are looking forward to the fall weather so we can start taking him on walks.

Here is a video from the Sunday outing.

Adam & Grace

Grace rockin' the baby.

Friday, August 24, 2007

The Goth Look

Adam has a case of Thrush, so we are applying medicine. As you can see, the medicine turns his lips purple, giving him the ever popular 'Goth' look. I plan to dye his hair orange tonight and start dressing him in 6 yr old sized clothes to give him the super baggy look.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Adam Wofford Weekes

Adam's nicknames:
Biggy Smallz
Biggy Fuss (sometimes)
Roger Dale